July 31, 2008

The kids and I went into town for a very exciting and unique event. The Historic Salisbury Criterium is part of a nine night bicycle racing event that takes place in 9 North Carolina cities over ten nights. It was very exciting as you can stand within a couple feet of the peloton whipping past.

July 30, 2008


July 27, 2008

Grape tomatoes

It is weird, the different shapes and sizes that have come from the same plant.

From the SFG to the dinner table

From the dinner table today...

July 26, 2008

We've had a lot of rain off and on so the Square Foot Garden exploded while we were in Louisiana and has continued since we've been home.

Tomatoes- Romas in the front of the picture and taller grape tomatoes and Parks Whoppers in the back of the same square.

Dwarf Pumpkins in front with bush beans crowding in from behind.

On the trellis the Cucumbers are on the left and Cantaloupe on the right.

Hanging out the front of the corn square are the Big Max and Jack O` Lantern pumpkins.

July 25, 2008

July 24, 2008

Stopped by Greenville, SC

On our way home from Louisiana, I took a brief detour through my former hometown of Greenville, SC. I pulled up to the house we used to live in (approximately from 1st grade to 6th grade for me) and intended to just look from the street for a moment, when the mom of the house came out. I introduced myself and she insisted that we all unload and come through for a tour. The house was lovely and she literally showed us every room. It was especially neat because they are believers as well as fellow home schoolers.

This is the view from the street with the kitchen entrance on the right and the living room entrance on the left.

This is the attic bedroom that was lived in at different by Dennis Parnell and Harry Brown when they attended Bob Jones and then later by me. Now it is a great reading area with tons of books.

They were doing some construction on this great play thing in the back yard.

This is the rental property next door. At one point when we were in Greenville, Leon and Donita Brush lived here.

This was the former Beaver residence on Princeton. Three doors down from the former Estes estate. Terri says she couldn't get grass to grow under this tree either. (I think I also located the former Butch and Arlene Heath house but didn't get a picture.)

The old Bob Jones Elementary. I was standing on this sidewalk in the car pickup line when I heard that President Reagan had been shot.

Including this shot for Jennifer.

July 20, 2008

Zinnias from the SFG

A local Realtor left these seeds on our mailbox.

July 14, 2008

Jackson Square

July 12, 2008


Tammy's half-sister Jenny and her husband Leif.