April 15, 2007

Open Mouth Insert Foot

Last night I found Chandler and Gabrielle where they usually spend at least an hour each evening: curled up with Mommy on our bed having a book read to them.

Chandler was looking up at the popcorn ceiling and commented, "I think I'm seeing things up in the popcorn designs on the ceiling."

I immediately thought of the folks who have "seen" the image of Jesus or Mary in a piece of toast or in a water-stained piece of concrete, so I said, "you mean like the Virgin Mary?"

As mommy was rolling her eyes, Chandler, of course asks, "What's a Virgin?"

Mommy looks at me expectantly as I say, "You know, Jesus' mother?"

Chandler: "No, What's a Virgin?"

Me (lame answer): You know, like Mary's first name."

Tammy: "It's hard to believe we've both been parents the same amount of time."



JenLo said...

Yeah, if he's like my kids, that question will come up repeatedly until you have no choice but to just answer.....!

Mary Ellen said...

That is hilarious!!!! Hopefully for your sake he'll accept that it's part of her first name for at least a little while - just too funny. "-)

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing out load! Good try, Mr. Brown! You must like the taste of toes.

Anonymous said...

Apparently I need to go back to school for some spelling lessons. ...laughing out loud...is what I meant to say. :-)

Tara said...


Came across your blog on the HSBC site, and am enjoying. This story,however, was a LAUGH OUT LOUD moment if there ever was one! Haven't seen you or Tammy in a long time, but could still imagine this scene. Too funny!
Take Care!