September 9, 2007

What's Cooking?

Gabrielle enjoys mixing random ingredients to see what they'll make.


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree William...our two little ladies to look alot alike!! WOW!! Gabrielle and Brianna would have a BLAST in the kitchen together. Bri helped me mix up banana bread last nite...she does a great job!!
I was hoping to have one daughter love cooking like I do! :) My oldest is great domestically..great cleaner, organizer etc. and desserts and salads are a plus for her...but the main course she is still trying to master!! :) It will come I know!
Hello to Tammy! Nice to hear from you! I love staying connected to so many from our past!
Have a blessed weekend!

JenLo said...

Caroline loves doing that! PS--Gabrielle does look a lot like Brianna S.