May 22, 2009

Stringing up Tomatoes & Pole Bean tee pees

Pole Bean tee pees
Originally uploaded by w2wkb

When I ran out of room in the Square Foot Garden, I just set these bamboo tee pees on the ground, dug shovel sized holes at the base of each pole and filled the holes with compost. The pole bean are doing great. (Saw the tee pees in a garden magazine.)

Stringing up Tomatoes
Originally uploaded by w2wkb

Most of my tomatoes overwhelmed their cages last year so when I saw this idea about "stringing up" the tomatoes I had to try it. The wood cost about half what large cages would have for this many plants, plus I can use it year after year. (And the ends will great for hanging a scarecrow.)

Stringing up Tomatoes
Originally uploaded by w2wkb


lauralavon said...

Hmm... I'll have to show my brother these photos. Since he lives nearby now, and we have some great soil right behind his sawmill (where saw-dust and mulch have been lying around for years...)we're working together on our vegetable garden this year. I'll take pics of what we've done so far and post them sometime this coming week. Keith created some raised beds that we are liking for several reasons. He might really like your "stringing-up" ideas.
Happy gardening!!