August 4, 2007

Fat Christian vs. Fit Christian

I've been struggling recently with focusing on how my church is serving me and my family rather than how we our serving our church and community. I ran across this great comparison by Anna Meadows found here:

Fat Christians say…
“Why don’t you have this ministry at your church?”

Fit Christians say…
“Can I start a group that does this kind of ministry? Maybe there are other people who would like to join…”

Fat Christians…
…sit in the same pew each week, and rarely venture out of their circle of friends.

Fit Christians…
…find opportunities to change things up, and try to involve those on the outskirts.

Fat Christians focus…
…on how to better themselves.

Fit Christians focus…
…on those who don’t know Jesus.

Fat Christians do…
…what’s easy and safe.

Fit Christians do…
…what’s difficult and counterintuitive.

Fat Christians think…
…it’s all about them.

Fit Christians know…
…it’s all about HIM.


JenLo said...

It reminds me of a book I've been reading called Breakout Churches. It makes the point that Christians are becoming increasingly "consumer-like." I know that's been true for me as well. It just serves in increased self-centeredness, but it's so much a part of our culture.