August 24, 2007

Veritas Classical Academy

Tammy, who is the brains of this outfit, does not get enough play on this blog so I'm taking this opportunity to show off her work at "Veritas Classical Academy." We've been in the process of moving the kid's school into newly painted digs upstairs in what was the large playroom.

We've been in a rush to get it done before company arrives this weekend and the start of school on Labor Day (Tammy chooses to start for the year on a day I am home.)

ps. I hope you appreciate the school name. We agonized forever to come up with it.


Mary Ellen said...

Now THATS a home school set up! Wow, very impressive - what a great place for kids to learn, bright and cheery too - Tammy you did a fantastic job. I think my kids would have fun just playing there!