March 17, 2007

That Conspiratorial Tone

Chandler and I got home last night from the Friday night Bible study to find Mommy already asleep (she stayed home sick,) Gabrielle had been dropped off at the church for a sleep-over and Cameron had fallen asleep in the car and was in the truck bed. (Make that the toddler "truck-bed" in his room.)

Anyway, Chandler and I watched a few selected "space-ship racing" and "light saber" scenes from one of the newer Star Wars dvd's last night for the first time (for him.) He must have mentioned it to Tammy as I got this message from him a few minutes ago on my cell phone...

Daddy, Call me!


Truckin Teeds said...

I'm not seeing any recent photos...are you slacking on the job of "proud parent"?